I apologise for the long pause between this post and the last. Oh wait. Long would be an understatment. Dilatory would be a better word. =D
You see, I had been cooping myself up all day at home during the holidays,playing MapleStory all day long. BUT, I do go out once in a while to gather with frens and well, pretty much just hang out. So thats why I did not update this humble blog of mine. So all my taggers, with the exception of a certain shady individual -_-, FORGIVE MY IMPUDENCE. XD
Moving on to the activity I take part most during the holidays - MAPLESTORY. Here's an image to whet your appetite.
Cute eh? I created this character from an avatar simulator i chanced upon when I was browsing the forums. Here's the link:http://aporo.s54.xrea.com/ Have fun~!
My characters in-game are currently a fire wizard, which also happens to be my sister's account, a bandit-sin, my own character i train when i have the spare time, a warrior which serves as a party quest character as well as a few mule beginners. The following image should pretty much sum up my Maple characters.YAY. I finally know how to upload images onto a post. -_- Sorry ppl, I lags. =P
I gather once school starts I won't have much time to invest into this marvellous game, and speaking of school I LURRVE my timetable. NO CLASSES ON TUESDAYS~! XD XD How cool is that? WAY cool! One school-less day means I have a day to do what i want, and in this case its to MAPLE! Oh yes, Galileo Cafe allows us to Maple there. =D So ppl who are looking for me, you know where to look.
Thats it, I have updated my blog! Thank you all you taggers for your continuing support for The Silent Cartographer~! This post is dedicated to you all! =D
And 'J', I bet you didn't understand a single word from that previous post. =D
Happy Mapling~!