Thursday, September 08, 2005

Instructions and Guidelines
Product Categories for November 2005
One-time-use 2 Step Rocket
Communications Satellite
Group Project


To check for understanding of the material being presented in the course.
To develop basic investigative and marketing analysis skills.
To demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge learned to a practical problem.
To provide students with opportunities to practice communication skills through interaction with other group members.
To become competent in the writing and presentation of data.
To understand the workflow and execution of creatives in an advertising campaign through an integrated approach in marketing communication.

Scope of the Project

The scope of the project should enable the student to analyse the selected problem, apply appropriate knowledge and to recommend a course of action. This should be done on the basis of the quantitative and qualitative information obtained. Projects that solely describe a certain situation or record basic facts are not acceptable.

Project Details

1. You will assume the role of a marketing team, assigned to describe the marketing plan of a product and its brand in the proposed product category. Each group’s basic assignment is to explain how their chosen product is being marketed. Each group must try to follow guidelines given in the report structure when writing the final report for submission.
2. At the end of the report you are to recommend how to make this product successful in Singapore marketing place and provide a formal presentation to both tutor and client (NASA).
3. Your choice of the product and brand is subject to final approval by your tutor.
4. Each team should have 5 members ideally but not more than 6 members. Any variations will be resolved in class by your tutor.
5. You are encouraged to work on the project throughout the semester to reinforce the course material. Set aside some time every week and work on the project. Do not leave it to last minute. Consistency is the key to success.
6. The report should not be longer than 40 pages (excluding attachments). It should be double-spaced, 12 point font size.
7. Any plagiarism will be dealt with severely.
Project Description
Client: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Objective:To conduct an exploratory and description research and develop a marketing plan for the above mentioned product categories (choose one per group). The client wishes to know understand the needs and wants of the local market and verify whether a micromarketing approach is needed in the asian market.
One-time-use 2 Step Rocket:
NASA wishes to deveop a space program for land-locked Singapore without disrupting the lives of her nieghbours. Develop a product to suit this.
Communications Satellite:
NASA wishes to help Singapore develop its own satellites. For this, Creative has agreed to join hands with NASA. Develop a product to achieve this goal.
Approach: This project will integrate with the skills learned in your other THREE modules – Graphic Communication, Web Design and Graphics and Location Video Production. The idea generation will be developed in this module, and the execution of ideas or creatives (website, print ads, brochures, bus ads, TV ads, etc) will be developed in the other THREE modules you are enrolled in.
-A marketing plan that will provide possible product ideas and market opportunities.
-A series of print advertisments(posters,brochures,etc) showcasing your product idea
-A website demonstrating your product
-3 30-sec TV ads showing your product to the target audience
-A final oral presentation will be required to display all works from the 4 affected modules. NASA's team would also be present to judge the sessions.
Note:This is a REAL and VERY POWERFUL CLIENT we are serving!!!Do not screw up!
Assessment Criteria
Marks for the reports will be awarded according to:

-thoroughness of research
-relevant information
-consistency of information
-appropriate use of marketing concepts and terminology
-soundness of recommendations
-application to Singapore as the marketplace
-practicality and creativity (conceptualisation and execution)
-organisation of report

Description & Due Date
Week 4
SWOT & Competitive Analysis
(Country and Industry Profile)
20 Marks

Week 7
Research findings of consumer behaviour (customer profile)
20 Marks

Week 10
Tutorial consultation: submission of Templates 1-4
5 Marks

Week 12
Tutorial consultation: submission of Templates 5
5 Marks

Week 14
Final Submission
-application of concepts to market
30 Marks

Week 15
Oral Presentation
20 Marks
100 Marks
Resources of Information
-Ngee Ann Polytechnic Library Books (e.g. Rocket Science)

-Ngee Ann Polytechnic Library, Databases (e.g. Global Marketing Database,Reuters Business Briefing)

-Ngee Ann Polytechnic Library, Databases by Title,, The Business to Business Search Engine

-Public Libraries

-Registry of Companies And Businesses, International Plaza, 10 Anson Road, #05-01/15, S079903 (e.g. Business Profile @S$5, Company Annual Report S$1/page)


-Public Listed Company Annual Reports

-Brochures and Flyers




-Internet Websites

-Department of Statistics, Ministry of Trade & Industry, 100 High Street,
#05-01, The Treasury, S179434

Sample Bibliography in APA Style

Armstrong, G. & Kotler, P. (2000). Marketing: An Introduction. (7th ed.). New Jersey:
Prentice Hall.