Monday, May 23, 2011

Irony Loves Company

The Universe really is a fan of irony.

How many times have you heard someone say that something will not happen to him/her, and at the next moment, it really happens? Just hours before, I overheard this Jock-archetype character boasting about how clean his car was, and that he spent the GDP of a small Pacific island to do up his car and whatnot. Moments later, the car was subjected to a strafing run followed by a CAS and ended up with a bunker-buster, courtesy of the well-fed birds flying around my workplace. I only managed to contain a guffaw.

The point is, many a time when we wish for something to happen, it sure as heck will not, not even remotely. We strive for it, fight through piranha-infested waters for it, catch a grenade for it, throw our hands down on a blade for it, jump in front of a train for it, and the Scriptwriter still goes,"Hmm... Nah."

Occam's Razor states that the simplest explanation is usually the best, but the Razor simply doesn't apply when irony is involved. How else can you explain a full reversal of the current (well past if you think about it) situation only when you have decided to give it up and that no other factors exist at that point in time to even remotely suggest a change in the status quo? It is that weird, incredible and fantastic at the same time.

Before you academics publish full-scale research papers on the Razor and other theoretical models in the comments section to refute my point, this is just how I see it, and it is endorsed by me, myself and no one else. My opinions don't reflect those of any organisation I am affiliated with, nor does it constitute academia or established theorem. It is, simply put, an issue as viewed through my lens, and explained using a scientific model I thought best to represent this scenario.

The bottomline is, irony is a potent force in the Universe, and its omnipotence permeates every nook and cranny of life, crouching in the shadows, waiting for the exact, ironic moment to spring its lethal trap, at times to hilarity, but sometimes to devastating effect. So the next time you think of saying something that seems impossible to happen at that point in time, do it, and you might just see this latent force in action for yourself.

Thanks for reading, and remember to feed the fishes!