Thursday, January 25, 2007

Feelings - A Fluttering Butterfly

Hi folks.

Yeah I'm back for another entry on this blog of mine. Time to give it a little activity to prevent it from fading into obscurity.

Alright, today was a total waste of time. For one, school was BORING. Had radio in the morning, but my test slot for the Talkshow is next week, so today I'm the caller/producer for a classmate. Got up early and arrived in school earlier than I needed to be, and saw the studio rife with people, dancing mass commers from the previous class. Felix was there too, grading Year One Stereo Assignments while nodding off to some 1970s music called Saturday Night Fever if memory hasn't failed me. To be fair, the song was catchy, but I'm a Mandarin music kinda guy, so I don't like it. To my dancing cohort-mates, I gave them the what-the-hell-there-are-people-outside look.

And true enough there were. When I went out to thaw myself, out came Year Ones from the lifts, and amongst them was Joanna, fellow FMSA, newer friend made this year. Pleasantries aside, she went to discuss something with her friends, while I made my way back into the studio, well not really inside it, but just outside, so I could see whether there were any more mad mass commers before I went back in. While I was loitering behind the double-glassed window, Joanna walked past and asked if that was where I would be having my class, to which I replied. At this moment, Mal gave me that OMG-WHO-IS-SHE look before rushing out. What the.

Apart from those, radio class was rather uneventful. Better still, we ended early, so I had something like a 3-hour break before PR began. But I had plans, there was a PR quiz to study for, and I preferred to study alone rather than in packs, so off I went to the Atrium after bidding Faye and her guest Vickram bye-bye.

I got a pack of creampuffs and found myself a secluded spot to study in. Madeline said she would be in the Atrium, so I scanned around. It wasn't that hard to spot her, afterall, she just had her MRM presentation today. So I dropped her a message telling her I can see her. It was funny watching her rotate her head around like the rotor blades of a helicopter trying to find me. Precious. In the end, she still found me while going to collect her laptop from the MEL centre I guess. She was doing Advertising with another girl, a girl who calls me Oreo Boy (-_-), and a boy whose name I mistook for Joel. Oh well. Better not bother them, important project. So I went to bug Joachim and gang instead, who were doing PR. But I soon grew bored, so I whipped out the iPod and tried to catch a nap. No success, the bloody Atrium was so noisy.

The day went on rather slowly and soon it was time for PR. Had the quiz, which I got 16/19 for and we got back our Media Kit Assignment. WE GOT AN 'A'. All that hard work was not for nothing. I'm glad. If all goes well, PR may be on its way to becoming an 'A' module. The thought of it makes me chuckle: I understand Advertising better than PR. Must be the assessments.

Thats what the day brought me, nothing but utter boredom. I swear I was gonna die of boredom if not for the Media Kit. When we got it back, we all went kinda hyper, like we were on steroids or something. It was hilarious.

Just some things on my mind before I end off this entry. Feelings are a funny thing, they can make you sad as quickly as it can make you happy. And flying high may mean falling hard. Very, very hard. And given my height, its a long way down to the ground. Hopefully, what I think I'm feeling will come to fruition, and that its the correct feeling, and not a false one once again.

I don't know how many more false hopes I can endure. I'm not getting any younger. So I really wish that I won't be flying too high and falling too hard. Alas, only time will tell. Time - the ultimate test. And time is really of the essence.

Just let it be true, just this time.