Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Yet another day.

Another typical day.

I emerged from a fitful slumber at around half past 8, and got ready to proceed to the school campus to start editing our video production. The meeting time was at nine-thirty, but I expected them to be late. As usual.

And I was not disappointed.

The latecomers streamed into the facility one after another, muttering profuse apologies and even the occasional threat. Alas, all these are part and parcel of our very existence, and the best we can do is to take them in our stride. Or, in harsher terms...

Adapt or die.

Life at this phase is rife with trickery, subtlety and subterfuge, either coming from the indvidual himself or from his peers. There is no escape, no hole to dive into for cover if the stresses of sarcasm and hypocrisy are too much for your hulls. One wrong move, one misguided step, one uncontrolled syallable and your life would plunge into the deepest bowels of hell, sworn to eternal purgatory, never to see the light of day again. That is, if your life is still on the tectonic plates of the rotating backwater planet we called home for the past 6 billion years or so.

Life, however hard it might be, is still life. The thing about this phenomenon is that it is so bad that it cannot get worser. That is about the only thing worth rejoicing over about life. However, one is the master of his own destiny, and his very fate lies in his very hands. He shall reap what he sows, and for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. That is the Universal Law, an integral part of the Grand Design, where every being, every particle, every atom, right down to the most minute substance, has a specific role and function to perform in the universe, and if it shoukd fail in its primary task, the entire Design would be thrown off-balance. Take the Solar System for example, without the Sun, there would be no life on Earth. Without Mercury, Earth would take the place of Venus, and the harsh heat would literally evaporate all fluids from the helpless planet. The list could go on and on and on and on...

My my, I'm getting a little too philsophical. That is however, the sad truth, the truth that most of us are afraid to face, much less embrace. Whenever they run into a major problem, they will crumble, and sink into a black hole created by their very consciousness. A dead-end. A stone wall. A cul-de-sac. All describe the helplessness and fultility of the situation, to these pessimists at least. To me(self-proclaimed optimist), every problem has its solution, and its up to the individual to find out where that solution lies. Whether, through, argument, hypothesis or calculus, the answer is out there.

With that, I shall end my post. I do not wish to see my style of writing become my Napolean's Waterloo. To all reading this post, good night.