Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mid-Year Checkpoint

And so it has lapsed.

Half a year.

Six months.

Two quarters.

It is at once bewildering and also heartening to note that so much has happened within this seemingly short time, a kaleidoscopic panaroma of emotions, events and happenstances that add sordid lines to this chapter of my existence.

For the first time in my 24 years, I finally understood the pain my parents went through to put us through school. The psychological anguish, the mental stress, the emotional whiplash: all these constitute the modern condition of the workforce. My lifelong adage has served me well, and it has to continue withstanding the relentless perils that surface within the working environment.

Adapt or die.

As for the other part of my life that constantly plagues me, this year has been no better. Previous posts have covered what might have been, what could have been, but they sure did not cover why did you do it again.

I charted this path, I laid out this roadmap. Now I have to bear the consequences of my actions (or inaction) and carry this through. However, for once in a very long while, it seems remotely promising this time.

Even if that desire is encased in liquid nitrogen surrounded by an enclosure of orbiting fluoride-lasers.

We will see.

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