Sunday, May 20, 2012


Of all the emotions across the entire spectrum, sorrow makes its presence readily felt. Sorrow tints even the most euphoric of situations, completely envelops scenarios depicting utter despair and apocalyptic mayhem. It is sorrow that is most tangible, most plausible and nearly impossible to dismiss regardless of an individual's level of emotional mastery.

As the days oozed into weeks, the initial inspiration, motivation and encouragement morbidly morphed into frustration, altercation, consternation. On hindsight, such an outcome would not have transgressed had the first step not be made, had the initial foray into the dangerous yet tantalising unknown be embarked on. 

Alas, all had transpired, and even if it was encapsulated in uncertainty, shrouded in hopelessness and punctuated with monumental dread, it was undoubtedly worthwhile.

Now, the banquet must end, and all that remains is the need to mitigate the damage, to cut the losses.

To end it all.

As the conjoining pillars fall and waste away, one can only hope that sanity will not follow suit, plunging into abysmal despair and into a downward spiral of destruction. The moves have been made, the subtlety has been conveyed and whatever resources have been expended to exhaustion. The status quo however, is still unfathomable, indiscernible, undifferentiated: like a sealed Schrodinger’s box, as it had been from the very beginning. 

Perhaps it is time to hark back to simpler periods, when such matters took a backseat from the other facets of life. 

Perhaps it is time to transcend this futility and move into an adjacent, more soothing realm of existence.

Perhaps Occam's Razor should be applied, and followed all the way through.

Even if it goes against every thought, feeling, emotion.

That inevitable eventuality has surfaced, and now it is instrumental to fade back into the background, to disintegrate back into the shadows of oblivion. 

Just as it was from the very beginning.

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