Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Quick, the Fast and the Dead


It's weird seeing other people doing all the stuff that needs to be done, be it for Feature Writing, the more pressing Web Design, or even PR. I mean I should also be doing those stuff, but I am not. Maybe it's because I've finished what I've to do, way in advance.

You see, doing work early means you have a lot of spare time to edit your stuff or just hang loose in the late game, giving your plenty of time to rest so you can think logically and plan your next move with tripping over all those projects hanging all over the place. But then, most, and I must emphasise MOST, in case I offend anyone, Mass Commers are procrastinators. Seriously. How many times have you seen them submit their work way before its due? The answer is sadly seldom. Most leave their work to the eleventh hour, working their butts off to complete that assignment that should have already been done - to a certain completed extent - previously. But no, they leave it till the last minute, when they start to panic and seek aid. And the best part is, they actually pass and get decent grades for them. Life is so unfair.

We just had a briefing today for choosing our third year electives. Initially, this briefing was supposed to cement my decisions, but as I left LT 20, my feelings were mixed. Previously, the choices I laid out for myself were Presentation Skills in Chinese, Documentary Production, and Book Writing and Publishing. But through some inexplicable reason, Book Writing got canned. So that leaves me with one elective short. Fair enough, there were still 12 other modules for me to choose from. So I wanted to take something that I had a passion for, with lots of writing and minimal contact with other people. I hate interviews. The next best thing in this section was Print Journalism, but I'm not really keen. Long story.

Therefore, as of 9:14 P.M on the 30th of January 2007, I have only one confirmed elective - Presentation Skills in Chinese. I'm beginning to have second thoughts for DocPro, as although I loved LOCVDP, it ain't really something that I would wanna do for a whole semester. Paperwork is fine, its the prospect of filming something that is of utmost boringness to me. And a lot of things bore me. A lot.

So I have from now till 16th February to make two choices, two choices which would determine my life from henceforth. And I'm 80% confirmed to be taking IBP next next sem, I don't wanna leave school that soon.

Thats it for today, leave a comment if you have anything to say.

Goodnight people.


Anonymous said...

I may not believe in doing work way before hand, but definitely qulity work and no slip-shod work ever. Think abt wat u reali wanna do. And follow yourheart. Really.

Anonymous said...

heya..even I wanted book writing and publishing! So sad that it got canned..grr..haha.

Gunplanerd said...

Haha. Well you win some and you lose some. :D