Monday, January 29, 2007


Hello everybody.

Just felt like writing something for you my eager readers to read. Ha ha. Sorry I'm going cranky from all the work I've been rushing. Speaking of which, contrary to what most people believe - that Mass Commers have it hard this final week - I'm kinda free this week. Why? Read on.

1. PR Planning Process for NEA - Done on Friday, after minor edits, all thats left is the formatting.
2. On-going Case Study for ACRES - Finished after 1.
3. Web-D e-zine - content on my side is 85% complete, since I ain't designer-in-chief.
4. Radio Talkshow - Its on Thursday, and my script is done, guest confirmed (I hope), and song loaded.

See? Now you know why I'm so free. And people say I'm kiasu. Well, kiasu people have more free time, and they sleep early.

So today was rather fun, I would say. Went to school in the morning to get back our newspaper project from Mrs. Sng after what seems like eternity. But I can't blame her, she's been through a lot. Faye was late (what's new, haha), got stuck near school to let a Malaysian train pass. Damn funny. Waited for again what seemed like eternity and then when Evon came, all three of us went up to the office, only to come down again cause the place was so darn crowded. It's a Monday damn it! Mondays are days without classes. Maybe thats wishful thinking on my part. Oh well.

So after the mini-lecture, I bid the two farewell and went off to the Atrium to pass stuff to people doing Advertising, namely Madeline, Gel and Huiqi, but not after being called heartless by Evon. I didn't wanna do Radio today, so she didn't have a guest. I'm heartless cause of that. Damn sad.

Alright, enough of that encounter. The Atrium was bloody crowded today. Perhaps its because what I've just said - final week for mass commers. And I was right, to my left I saw mass commers, to my right I saw more mass commers, to my front even more mass commers, and to my back, well, a couple of engineers, the cacti amongst the sand. Most of them were from the other cohort, so they were rushing our their advertising stuff. The same is said for Madeline's group, they were rushing the stuff out like dunno what. Oh yeah, I came to the Atrium to accomplish two objectives. The first being to pass Madeline my used Advertising textbook and MRM notes, so they could be put to better use rather than just rotting away in some deep dark corner of the house. Plus, the MRM notes hold compressed handwritten chapters from the textbook, pages that took me a whole week to write. But it wasn't for naught, an A I got. Thats the thing with me, I have to study harder cause I ain't that brilliant.

Moving on, the second objective was to finish up some content for my e-zine's designer-in-chief: Nisha. Since she was tackling the gargantuan task of fabricating the entire website herself, we all decided to chip in and offer help regarding her content. And her content was music, English music if I might add. Music is so not my forte. So I had to slog through it, read up the albums on websites and try as best as possible to string the information together into a readable, interesting passage. Avril just told me that it was good, so I guess I've succeeded. My writing skills hasn't failed me. Yet.

So there I was, crashing Madeline's group discussion and doing my work while they stressed themselves over their report. Being someone who's been through it all, they turned to me to clarify some doubts, which I did to the best of my ability. You gotta give me credit, its been an entire semester, and Mass Commers don't really have good memories for such stuff, or so I heard. Never mind about that, Madeline left at 2 to practise her Jap, her test is tomorrow. Ganbatte! So that leaves Gel, Huiqi and me at the table. They said someone else was coming in a while. They didn't seem very enthusiastic, or even concerned for that matter. I sense a sleeping member.

The day went out without much event, Gel was being exceptionally cheerful today, a stark contrast to his cold, dark side almost 2 weeks ago. That guy sure likes to sing. Jia Wei also came around to ask me what I want, being the typical evil-twin he is. Damn joker. Got a free ride from Madeline at the end of the day, saved bus fare and got some exercise walking back from Junction 8. NAPFA's coming, time to beef up.

That concludes another boring day in my life. Check back for more! Bye people!

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