Thursday, September 20, 2012

A New Chapter, A Fresh Start

In a cruel twist of irony, the latest chapter in a long-archived codex has opened up again in September, just like how it was first exposed to the blinding rays of the natural sun six years ago.

This time, it is different.

After more than four months of futile second-guessing and disparate chasing of phantom geese, Schrodinger's Box has finally been opened. Even if the process took me an excruciating hour, the key to the Box was inserted. Even if the locking cylinders took another three hours to cycle open, the lid eventually sprang up to reveal a tiny kitten covered in flaming red fur that looked at me with anticipatory eyes.

I picked it up, cradled the tiny creature in my arms, and walked towards the horizon.

16 September 2012.

That is the day she answered my question.

Even if our interests are worlds or even galaxies apart, we can agree to disagree, looking for alternatives to mutual sources of entertainment. Even if our characters and personalities are complete polar opposites, we can use that to our advantage to complete one another. Even if I have to compete against an extensive array of past experience, I am certain of my capability to steer us onto the correct path for the future.

I will not question your past, for I will be living in your present and perhaps creating your future.

All I ask for is your patience and acceptance in dealing with this kid who refuses to grow up, this narcissistic introvert who uses overly-flowery language in everyday conversation, this rigid and calculated geek who has a massive collection of toys and this lanky boy with an over-reactor in his cranium.

I don't need you to be a good girlfriend, I just need you to be my girlfriend.

Let us walk this path together, slowly but surely, and see where we end up.

It is only logical.

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