Sunday, March 29, 2009

Situational Report

Okay, so I haven't been blogging lately, or regularly for that matter. However, as I told myself when I created this web log years ago, this website was meant to be an outlet, an avenue for me to publish my literary pursuits. Whether or not they will be read (much less appreciated) is another matter, something which I don't put much thought into. If you want to read it, go ahead and enjoy, if not, constructively criticize and move on. Simple.

So I'm almost into my first year of serving dear old Singapore, and things are more or less stabilised. Like an old couple, I'm just waiting for my time to be up before I transcend into a new realm of learning and forging new relationships with the many faces out there. Honestly, I can't wait, but reality decrees that I'm having a much better life as before. Well, that's partly true, I get paid along with free physical training.

Recently, I caught the Nana craze, obtaining every bit of media related to the titular characters. For the uninitiated, Nana is a hit Japanese franchise which started off as a manga, later spawning two live-action feature length films and a full-bodied anime series in addition to an armada of according paraphernalia. What makes this offering so attractive has got to be the main protagonists, both named Nana. Their requisite trials and tribulations as they strive to fulfill their dreams are the focus of the story's plot, and the numerous ups-and-downs along with unexpected plot twists took my emotions for a wild roller-coaster ride when I watched the first film.

Unexpectedly, the franchise also rekindled my love for Japanese music, especially songs performed by pretty Japanese singers. There's Yuna Ito, the singer for the splendidly-performed "Endless Story", which had been endlessly looping on my recently-acquired iPod Touch. Then there's dear Ms Olivia Luftkin, a pretty little thing who hails from the West, but surprisingly speaks fluent Japanese, and is the singer for most of the opening and ending theme songs from the Nana anime. Though not a singer, Aoi Miyazaki had me enthralled with her cutish features, her innocent demeanor and excellent portrayal of the loveless Hachi, or younger Nana. Mika Nakashima as the older Nana is spot-on, both appearance and attitude-wise. It's as though she was meant to play that character.

On a side note, one of the more recent Gundam 00 Season 2 episodes featured a change in the opening theme song. No more "Fleeting and Everlasting Sorrow" from emo-boyband UVERworld, the new theme was written and performed by a newcomer on the block: all-girl trio Stereopony. Initially, I dismissed their song - a rockish ballad named "Across the Tears" - and prefered the old boys instead. But as time wore on and I listened to it more, I grew to like it, and after researching on the band (refer to my criteria for Japanese music) they became a regular on my playlists. Three 20-year old girls could come up with bloody good music; to me, their songs are the perfect examples of emo-rock. Listen to "A Single Petal" and read the lyrics, its bound to make your heart ache. Interestingly, Yuna Ito from the abovementioned Nana franchise performs the 2nd ending theme song of Gundam 00 Season 2, the beautifully-crafted "Trust You".

Speaking of Gundam, my collection currently stands at 61 models, across all grades and scales, give or take. My storage facilities are running out, again.

There are times when I feel a little lonely, but that's something I can deal with. I've always been somewhat a loner, preferring my company over anyone else's. However, much as my mind doesn't want to admit it, my subconscious screams out for the one person who can complete my mortal soul, someone who truly understands, appreciates and loves me wholeheartedly for the person I am. I made a decision: no more pretenses, no more relentless giving in without expecting anything in return - it won't work. I know she will come eventually, sooner or later, and though later would be more preferred (national liability wrecks relationships - its proven), a part of me secretly wishes it to be sooner.

That aside, the one thing occupying my time right now is this little secret ambition I have: Project Rainbow. A collaboration between myself and that sissa of mine, I have great plans for this series of novels. Combining sci-fi with fantasy and a host of other genres, I really hope it will be as good as the likes of Harry Potter, The Dark Tower series or even Twilight. This is one of my long term goals, that is, to at least publish one book before I bid this world farewell. My fingers are crossed, but I'll continue to work hard to make this dream a reality.

That's it from me this time, check back another time for another rare post. Take care!

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